Spell-Breaker Session
Spell-Breaker Session

It's an honor to serve leaders where it matters most.

I am awestruck by the community this work has created, please enjoy the energy from these glorious beings! I hope it inspires you to connect.

Why aren't you connecting with your people every month... naturally filling your client roster?

There are 4 Main Reasons My Clients Come to Me

Even though they are great people and great at what they do...
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Play A Bigger Game

This is a root issue because you don't "find" clients... you create them. 

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Stabilize Resilient Systems

Why are we so afraid to start an honest conversation with someone?

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Own and Embody 

People worry about being salesy or when they do get sales calls, they have no idea how to run them.

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Real Connection

We will sabotage our sales process if we are not fully confident in what we actually deliver to clients.

Lucid Coach is designed to specifically address these 4 problems... and more. 

The 4 Pillars of Client Creation

These are the core modules of what we will be exploring together in Lucid Coach Mastermind.

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Being "Client Ready"

This seems like a "duh" but you'd be surprised how many people try to get clients, with no clarity on their offer, marketing strategy, time mgmt, or what the process will actually involve.

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Creating Conversations

There are countless people who are available to speak with you every month. Craft your weekly convo-creation system using dozens of different options to connect with leads.

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Leading Conversations

Become an even more powerful facilitator. Be known for creating the most transformational experiences on your calls & learn how to create sales with integrity.

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Delivering Results

Build confidence in what you do for your clients. Learn how to guarantee instant results & develop a life-changing client experience.     

Lucid coaches get meaningful results, fast.

but what they really get is an embodied knowing that create results for life

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How to know this is for you...

ā«ø You sell (or want to sell) 1:1, courses, events or group programs.

ā«ø You want to sell offers ranging from $500 - $20,000 or more.

ā«ø You want to master social media and online client creation

ā«ø You unconsciously avoid or sabotage sales opportunities.

ā«ø You don't understand how to consistently create & close sales calls.

ā«ø You struggle with owning your leadership & making offers.

ā«ø You have limiting beliefs around money & sales that you are ready to break through.

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"Nathaniel is one of the most extraordinary human beings i know. Deciding to work with him was literally the best decision I’ve made in my business to date. The stuff he teaches transcends time & space."

- Sasha Tozzi

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He has helped me completely shift my mindset, gain clarity on my vision, create high end packages, more than triple my prices, book dream clients consistently, and take massive aligned action. He was able to take my vision and break it down into easy actionable steps to create massive results creating over $25,000 in less than 4 months.

- Angela Garcia

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Nathaniel is truly a wizard of his craft and has supported me in completely transforming my approach to entrepreneurship and leadership. I was divinely guided to him while deep in resistance of my next power move. I knew I wanted to get real and invest in myself.

Although I didn’t believe I had the money, everything in my body encouraged me to say yes to having him in my corner. It was the most pivotal decision I’ve made in 4 years of operating and growing my business. Not only did I double my income while working with Nathaniel, I gained access to his energetic vortex that is maintained with such integrity.

His compassion, realness, intuition and sheer brilliance have become energies that I now embody in my own work. Nathaniel is a breakthrough facilitator by nature and an incredible human to have supporting you. Your self-understanding, love for your craft and alignment to your mission will exponentially grow when you decide to work with him.

- Brooklyn Vienneau

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Experiencing coaching from Nathaniel has been one of the greatest investments I have ever made in my life and in my business. I knew I needed support...but never thought I needed a coach until I met Nathaniel.

Not only has my income more than doubled, but my life has so much more depth and meaning. I feel equipped with science-based practices and routines that I am excited about, and consistent with. I have structure in my day, and a way to fully navigate my emotions and relationships.

- Jill Stella

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Nathaniel is disarming, kind, open hearted and brings sound, savvy and strategic brilliance to any project. You can take my word for it... or you can just talk to the man yourself for 10 minutes and all your worries will melt away.

- Immanuel Otto

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When you work with Nathaniel, you realize how hard you make things. His energy is like nothing else. The container he creates for his clients is honestly magic. It feels safe. It is empowering. It’s easy. It feels okay to be you, even if it’s messy and unhinged.

- Cait Hefner

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Working with Nathaniel has created so many shifts in my in my life. I now recognize my power and stand in my power every single day. He's given me clarity on my vision and purpose and how I show up for myself, the people in my life and my business.

- Sam Kidd

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He's a master software engineer for the human being. Not only did he help grow my business, he actually helped simultaneously grow myself. He brings a genuineness to his message and has helped me reshape my beliefs around money, success & self-worth.

- Matt Blackburn

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We connected on such a deep level. In 2 months my income generation and ability to extend my gifts into my work became so simple and it wasn't just from his direct advice and support... it was from just being able to be around him. He's literally a ninja-wizard-guru. He's a complete transformational genius.

- Brandon Bozarth

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Nathaniel is THE key for high achieving 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs who want to tap into real self mastery. In a 10 minute conversation he'll suggest a couple of upgrades that change everything. He's the guy you want by your side to achieve more, stress less and unlock hidden super powers you never knew you had. He's a true master of his craft.

- Chiara Mazzucco

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More than ANYONE I’ve ever experienced as a coach, therapist, teacher, mentor—whatever...

You connect to my most sacredly vulnerable parts that need to change with such authentic love, generosity and belief in my success that I am able to believe in that success for myself.

- Pamela Sampel

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For new coaches (or those still finding footing) who want to master the organic enrollment lifestyle.

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For established coaches who desire more automation, passive income & a fully expressed brand & message.

Book A Free Consult
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Personal advisory & facilitation for leaders in need of therapeutic, strategic andĀ intuitiveĀ guidance.

Book a Connection Call